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Microvascular Decompression Surgeon

What is Microvascular Decompression ?

Microvascular decompression is a surgical treatment that relieves the symptoms of nerve compression (pain, muscle twitching) caused by an artery or vein. It offers the longest relief from trigeminal neuralgia pain and the lowest risk of permanent facial numbness following surgery.

What is the purpose of it ?

Microvascular Decompression is used to reduce pressure from a pulsing vessel pressing against the trigeminal nerve, which causes painful facial impulses.
Microvascular Decompression Surgeon Home Microvascular Decompression Surgeon in Pune

What is the procedure ?

The surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia. Hair is shaved behind the ear, and a little portion of your skull is removed. Pieces of Teflon are inserted between the nerve and the problematic blood artery after the nerve has been located (s). A thin metal mesh is then used to cover the little region of bone removal.

If anyone wants treatment for Microvascular Decompression, be sure to meet Dr. Sachin Mahajan. He is the Best Microvascular Decompression Surgeon in Pune who has experience of more than 12 years in the field of Neurosurgery.

He has a well experienced in performing all types of neurosurgical procedures with special expertise in performing Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery and Spinal Deformity (Scoliosis and kyphosis) Correction Surgery, Cerebrovascular Surgery and Microvascular Decompression Surgery. Also has experience of serving and performing surgeries on International patients, here (medical tourism) and abroad (Fiji).

How long do you think I’ll be in the Hospital ?

After two nights, the majority of patients are discharged.

What are the risks ?

Microvascular decompression is an intrusive technique that, while safe in the hands of a trained professional, carries the following risks:

Returning home

Approximately 95% of patients will get immediate pain reduction. All preoperative pain medications must be continued. The physician who started them will gradually reduce them after one month. After 10 to 14 days, the staples/sutures are removed. Muffled hearing on the surgical side, facial numbness, anaesthetic weariness, nausea/vomiting in the hospital (meds will be provided) are all common side effects that normally resolve with time. You won’t be able to drive or return to work for roughly a month. For the next six months, you are not allowed to wear wigs, use hair dye, or use any other harsh products. These will obstruct long-term recovery and may induce infection, necessitating additional surgery.

What is required prior to a Microvascular Decompression procedure ?

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